Monday, January 27, 2020

Theories of Motivation Comparison and Analysis

Theories of Motivation Comparison and Analysis Most contemporary theories recognize that motivation begins with individual needs. Needs are deficiencies that energize or trigger behaviors to satisfy those needs. At some point in your life, you might have a strong need for food and shelter. At other tomes, your social needs may be unfulfilled. Unfulfilled needs create a tension that makes you want to find ways to reduce or satisfy those needs. The stronger your needs, the more motivated you are to satisfy them. Conversely, a satisfied need does not motivate. In this section, we will look at the four content theories of motivation that dominate organizational thinking today Maslows theory: According to Maslow, human needs from hierarchy, starting at the bottom with the physiological needs and reaching to the highest needs of self actualization. He says when one set of needs are satisfied, then they try to full fill the next need from hierarchy. physiological needs: these are the basic necessities of human life like food, clothing, shelter etc.He says until these needs are satisfied to the required level , man does not aim for the satisfaction of next higher level needs. As for a organization is concerned these needs include basic needs like pay, allowance, incentives and benefits security safety needs: these refer to the needs to be free of physical danger or the feeling of loss of food , job or shelter these needs as far as organization is concerned include conformity, security plans, membership in union, severance pay etc. Social needs: physiological and security needs are satisfied these social needs begin occupying the mind of man. This is exactly why he looks for the association of other human beings and strives hard to be accepted b its group; social needs at work place include human relations, formal and informal work group. Esteem needs: these needs are power, prestige, status and self confidence. Every man has a feeling of importance and he wants others to regard him highly. These needs make people aim high and make them achieve something great. These needs for employees include staus symbol, awards, promotions, titles etc. Self actualization: this is the highest need in hierarchy. This refers to the desire to become what one is capable of becoming. Man tries to maximize his potential and accomplish something, when these needs are activated in him. As said earlier the individuals processed from physiological needs to safety needs and so on and so forth only when each need is satisfied. If any need is not satisfied, the individual sticks to that need and strives to fulfill that need. MASLOWS HIERARCHY Herzberg theory(1959) Maslows theory has been modified by herzberg and he called it two factor theory of motivation. According to him the first groups of needs are things such as company policy and administration, supervision, working conditions, interpersonal relations, salary, status, job security and personal life. Herzberg called this factor as dissatisfiers and not motivators. These are also refered to as hygiene factors. Maintenance factors or dissatisfiers motivation factors or satisfiers Job context job content Extrinsic factor   intrinsic factor Company policy and administration   achievement Quality of supervision recognition Relations with supervisors   work itself Work conditions   responsibility Pay   advancement Peer relations   possibility of growth Personal life Relations with subordinates Status Job security Second group are satisfiers, in the sense that they are motivators. These factors are related to job content. He included the factors like achievement, recognition, challenging work, advancement and growth in this category. Presence of these factors will yield feelings of satisfaction. Herzberg theory is also called as motivation hygiene theory. Herzberg conducted a study by asking questions. What do the people want for a job? He asked the respondents to describe situations are events when they feel exceptionally good and bad about their job. Herzberg did not the cover the relationship between job satisfaction and productivity, though he assumed that there is a relationship between these two factors. Alders ERG theory(1972) Alder also feels that needs should be categorized and that there is a basic distinction between lower order needs and higher order needs . alder identified three groups of needs Existence, Relatedness and Growth and that is why his theory is called ERG theory.the existence needs are based with survival, or physiological well being.the relatedness talk about the importance of interpersonal and social relationship. The growth needs are concerned with the individuals intrinsic desire for personal development. This theory is some what similar to maslows and herzberg theory . but unlike maslows and herzberg he does not assert that lower needs has to be satisfied before higher level needs . so a persons background and culture environment may make him think of relatedness needs or growth needs though his existency needs are unfulfilled. Alders simplification of maslows need hierarchy: Needs are arranged in order of importance Unsatisfied needs motivate individuals Alders theory suggests that individual needs can be divided into three groups existence (physiological and safety) relatedness (social) growth (esteem and self actualization) alders theory differs from maslows theory in a number of important respects. Alderfer argued that it was better to think in terms of continuum rather than a hierarchy. From concrete exixtence needs to least concrete growth needs and argued that you can move along this in either direction. Maslow argued that when satisfied a need becomes less important to an individual, but alderfers argues that relatedness or growth needs become more important when satisfied . this means that team working arrangements can continue to motivate employees and are not necessarily superseded by growth needs. Mc Clellands theory: this theor was developed by David McClelland a Harvard physiologist and his associates.the theory focuses on three needs In his acquired-needs theory, David McClelland proposed that an individuals specific needs are acquired over time and are shaped by ones life experiences. Most of these needs can be classed as either achievement, affiliation, or power. A persons motivation and effectiveness in certain job functions are influenced by these three needs. McClellands theory sometimes is referred to as the three need theory or as the learned needs theory. 1. Need for achievement: (n Ach) need for achievement refers to the drive to excel, to achieve in relation to set standards and and to strive to succeed McClelland from his research that high achievers differentiate themselves from others by doing the same work in different ways . they perform best when they perceive their probability of success as being 0.5. they seek quick feed back on their performance in Order to improve or correct the action before it goes wrong. They accept personal responsibility for success or failure. Want to take personal responsibility for solving problem Goal oriented set moderate, realistic, attainable goal Seek challenge, excellence and individuality Take calculated, moderate risk Willing to work hard and desire concrete feedback on their performance Need for power (n pow) need for power refers to the desire to make others behave in a way that they would not otherwise have behaved in. In other words need for power is the desire o have impact, to be influential and control others. Want to control the situation and want control over others Enjoy competition and winning, do not like to lose willing to confront others Need for affiliation: (n Aff) seek close relationship with others and to be liked by others enjoy lots of social activities seek to belong, join groups and organization PROCESS THEORY: Process theories are concerned with the thought processes that influence behaviour. Two such theories are Expectancy theory and Equity theory A) Vrooms expectancy theory: Vrooms formula: motivation=expectancy X value According to this theory motivation of any individual depends on the desired goal and strength of his expectation of achieving goals. A vrooms model is built mainly on three concepts valency, instrumentality and expectancy. Valency: The value a person places on the outcome or reward vroom says that valency is the strength of individuals preference for a particular outcome. it can be taken as an equivalent of value, incentive, attitude and expected utility . for the value to be positive the person must prefer attaining the out come to not to attain the outcome. A valency of zero occurs , when the individual is indifferent towards the outcome. the valency is negative when the individual prefers not attaining outcome to attaining it . Expectancy: A person perception of the probability of accomplishing an objective the third major variable in vrooms theory is expectancy. though expectancy and instrumentality appear to be the same at the first glance they are quite different . Expectancy is a probability (ranging from 0 to 1) or strength of a belief that a particular action or effort will leave to a particular first level outcome. Instrumentality refers to the degree to which a first level outcome will lead to the second level outcome. vroom says the sum of these variables is motivation. Expectancy theory works best with employees who have n internal locus of control. To motivate using the expectancy theory: clearly define objectives clearly define necessary performance needed to achieve them tie performance to rewards be sure rewards are of value to the employees Make sure your employees believe you will do as you promise. Vrooms theory also suggests: Both internal (needs) and external (environment) factors affect behaviour Behaviour is the individuals decision People have different needs, desires and goals People make behaviour decisions based on their perception of the outcome. Adams Equity Theory: based on the comparison of perceived inputs to outputs. People perceive themselves in one of three positions Both the inputs and outputs of person and others or based upon the persons perceptions. Age, sex, education economic and social status , skill, experience, training, effort, education, past performance, present performance ,level of difficulty , position in the organization etc, are examples of perceived input variables . Outcomes consist of rewards like pay status promotion and intrinsic interest in the job. Equitably rewarded:( they are satisfied that there inputs and outputs are equal) Inputs and outputs are perceived as being equal. Under rewarded: (they perceive there inputs exceed their output) Efforts to reduce inequity by trying to increase outputs Reducing inputs(working less, absenteeism) Rationalizing(creating an explanation for the inequity) Changing others inputs or outputs Leaving Changing the objective of comparision Over rewarded: people dont usually get upset when they are over rewarded , but they may increase inputs or reduce outputs to maintain equity) Increasing inputs (working more, longer hours, etc) Reducing output(taking a pay cut) Rationalizing (Im worth it) Increasing other outputs Inequity occurs when : Persons outcomes others outcomes Persons inputs others inputs Persons outcomes others outcomes persons inputs others inputs Equity occurs when: Persons outcomes others outcomes - = Persons inputs others inputs INPUTS: Time Effort Loyalty Hard Work Commitment Ability Adaptability Flexibility Tolerance Determination Enthusiasm Personal sacrifice Trust in superiors Support from co-workers and colleagues OUTCOMES: Outputs are defined as the positive and negative consequences that an individual perceives a participant has incurred as a consequence of his/her relationship with another. When the ratio of inputs to outcomes is close, than the employee should have much satisfaction with their job. Outputs can be both tangible and intangible (Walster, Traupmann Walster, 1978). Typical  outcomes include any of the following: Job security Esteem Salary Employee benefit Expenses Recognition Reputation Responsibility Sense of achievement Praise Forming equity perceptions: Step 1: a person evaluates how he or she is being treated by the firm. Step 2: the person forms a perception of how a comparision other is being treated Step 3: the person compares his or her own circumstances with those of the comparision other Step 4: on the strength of this feeling , the person may choose to pursue one or more alternatives. It is important to also consider the Adams Equity Theory factors when striving to improve an employees job satisfaction, motivation level, etc., and what can be done to promote higher levels of each. JOB SATISFACTION: Job satisfaction, a workers sense of achievement and success, is generally perceived to be directly linked to productivity as well as to personal wellbeing. Job satisfaction implies doing a job one enjoys, doing it well, and being suitably rewarded for ones efforts. Job satisfaction further implies enthusiasm and happiness with ones work. For the organization, job satisfaction of its workers means a work force that is motivated and committed to high quality performance. Increased productivity-the quantity and quality of output per hour worked-seems to be a byproduct of improved quality of working life. It is important to note that the literature on the relationship between job satisfaction and productivity is neither conclusive nor consistent. However, studies dating back to Herzbergs (1957) have shown at least low correlation between high morale and high productivity, and it does seem logical that more satisfied workers will tend to add more value to an organization. Unhappy employees, who are motivated by fear of job loss, will not give 100 percent of their effort for very long. Though fear is a powerful motivator, it is also a temporary one, and as soon as the threat is lifted performance will decline. Creating job satisfaction: Flexible work arrangements, possibly including telecommuting Training and other professional growth opportunities Interesting work that offers variety and challenge and allows the worker opportunities to put his or her signature on the finished product Opportunities to use ones talents and to be creative Opportunities to take responsibility and direct ones own work A stable, secure work environment that includes job security/continuity An environment in which workers are supported by an accessible supervisor who provides timely feedback as well as congenial team members Flexible benefits, such as child-care and exercise facilities Up-to-date technology Competitive salary and opportunities for promotion

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Sat Math Test

What is the probability that Scott wins? 5. Maria is 6 times as old as Tina. In 20 years, Maria will be only twice as old as Tina. How old is Maria now? 6. If a. ND c are positive numbers with a=b/ca, what is the value of c when a=44 and b=275 7. In thro figure above, all of the line segments meet to form right angles. What Is the perimeter of the figure? 8. A car going 40 miles per hour set out on an 80 miles trip at 9:00 a. M. Exactly 10 minutes later, a second car left from the same place and followed the same place and followed the same route. How fast, In miles per hour, was the second car going if it caught up with the first car at 10:30 a. M. ? 9. Five people shared a prize of $100.Each one received a whole number of dollars, and no two people received the same amount. If the largest share was $30 and the smallest share was $1 5, what Is the most money that the person with the third largest share could have received? 10. There are 12 men on a basketball tea, and In a game 5 of them play at any one time. If the game Is 1 hour long, and If each man plays exactly the same amount of time, how many minutes does each man play? 5 8 10 . A square, not shown, has the same perimeter as the quadrilateral above. . What is the length of the side of the square? 250 12. In the figure above, if AS bisects REST. What is the value of W ? 13. If it is now 1:15, what time will it be when the hour hand has moved through an angle of 100 ? ICC 14. In the figure above, rectangle ABACA has been partitioned into four triangles. If UDF= BEEF , what is the value of x+Y ? 15. Jean spent $125 for a camera and some film. The camera cost $100 more than the film. What percent of the cost of the two items did Jean spend for the camera?

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Religion and Truth Essay

What is insanity of the religion? According to Ramakrishna, no One religion is truth, however, all the integral transmissions of sacred wisdom and contemplative practice that survive the test of time are true. (43) That means, the complete devotion to the source of knowledge and actions through prayer are the fundamental and most important walks of life that constitute to the wholeness of truth. These most important aspects of religion constitute to the wholeness of truth by what they place on the individual, which is the Grace of God. The belief that My Religion Alone is true is not the correct belief because all religions are truth from what the religion does to the practitioner. If the practitioner is in complete consciousness of God and life, that alone is the key to truth. So the basis of all these religions, be it Hindu, Christian, Jew or Muslim is primarily through the sanctity of God and that is the willingness to devote time and life through veneration to the Divine Reality, which is God, that brings all the religions together. As time transcends and religion expands, reality becomes the critical starting point through where we begin our destiny of truth. That means, knowledge is transcendent and that it is the gauntlet or tool that creates the value of truth within the individual. To understand this point fully, we must break down what Ramakrishna meant by integral transmissions of sacred wisdom. Integral means the completeness of the whole, and in this case it is used to exemplify the wholeness of truth in being the basis of knowledge. By the basis it is then completed through transmission or rather a passage of possibly enlightenment of knowledge. That is why knowledge is referred to as sacred, because of the qualities of truth that it brings within the individual. Furthermore, what constitutes to truth is the emphasis the individual places on eternal goal or spiritual peace by a means of illuminating the sacredness of knowledge. Persistence of intense awareness is the truth that Ramakrishna is trying to convey. Moreover, the goal of achieving a manifested state of sanctity is through complete sincerity. That is sincerity works in the favor of the practitioner because they not only work for truth and knowledge for themselves but indeterminately for God alone, and this is what is achieved  in all religions, in essence making them very connected and similar. According to Ramakrishna, its supposed to be about what we fight for in religion, not what we fight for outside of religion. In addition, what we fight for is suppose to be for the ultimate being, God, through Divine Nature. Divine Nature is achieved through a balance of realization in our daily life. The key tool is sincerity. Sincerity is about being genuine and honest; however it is about being honest first and foremost to the individual. Because without being able to be truthful to yourself, there would be no decisive factor that contributes to inspired belief and thus creating a problem within the individual. The way to obtain divine nature is not simple, because it takes time, but those who are sincere can and will achieve it. Divine nature consists of being able to learn from our daily trials and tribulations and learning very critically from them. At the same rate, the most fundamental thing that helps us on our path is the presence of God within us. (42)Why does Ramakrishna refer to God being the only living presence within us and how do we achieve this? The benefits of having God within us are bliss and freedom. What it means to have bliss could potentially lead to freedom, freedom of the self. It is freedom of the self because the presence of God is the only thing that we become conscious of and creates a sort of ripple within us that really brings out the bliss of God. Moreover, it is the awareness of God that structure our daily life and thus creates a Divine Nature that we live. Religions create a sense of supreme happiness and that reveal an urgent desire to be at peace. Through understanding that God is present everywhere is the beginning stages of awareness, but moving to the stage that God is present with in us creates motivation and an incentive for the individual to complete his or her goal in life. Furthermore, in order to maintain a balance of the spiritual self, there are certain spiritual ideals that are really crucial in understanding the truth in all religions. Devotion seems to sound easy, whereas it is serves as a purpose for the individual. Devotion is the dedication to belief in God and resulting in profound piety. It is correlated with the idea of ideals. Ideals are  processes that work hand in hand in achieving the individuals ultimate goal, which is developed by the means of devotion. Ideals are the realization of something more and that something more is the supreme presence. Ideals exist in the mind but at the same time in the heart and the entire body. It takes form in the individuals day to day action and helps in creating a balance within the individuals spiritual conscience. Once this process of ideals is followed up by proper actions and proper living, then harmony is reached in the form of the manifestation of God. Manifestation of God means that the cause of being completely habituated in living the proper way creates the effect of harmony. Harmony is a consistent pleasing effect that is caused by this absolute idea of consciousness and bliss. That is to say that all the important aspects that were stated from the beginning to now, are the primary purpose of the truth in all the religions, in essence showing the beauty that God brings forth through each and every religion. Finally we must go back to the original question of insanity. Ramakrishna in essence is saying that it is insane to believe your religion is the only and ultimate truth for we have no basis for that belief. We can see through the process of spiritual development that the beauty lays in the truth and sincerity each and every religion places on the individual in such a balanced and consistent manner. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Philip Novak. The Worlds Wisdom: Sacred Texts of the World. Harper SanFrancisco. -1st ed. Pg 42-44.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Margaret Sanger Early Feminist Birth Control Creator - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1289 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/06/22 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Birth Control Essay Feminist Essay Did you like this example? Margaret Sangers pathway to becoming an agent of change was through her protests, writings and the way she spoke out. Sanger has left with us a legacy of being able to take a law and change it if we feel like it is unjust. She also left us with the legacy of all the things she did for women like give us the basic rights to do what we want with our bodies. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Margaret Sanger Early Feminist: Birth Control Creator" essay for you Create order The purpose of this paper is to show people a woman who is not known enough for her work and also how she impacted society back then and how she also impacted our future forever. Through this paper, I will show the ways that her work has shaped our society today and why it is important. Margaret Sanger was an important figure in fighting for what she believed in when she was told not to and she even got in trouble for it fighting for what she thought was right. She was an important figure in fighting for womens rights and also fighting for women to chose whether they wanted to have a baby or not through birth control. Margaret Sanger was born in Corning, New York on September 14, 1879. She was an early feminist and a womens rights activist. She was also the women who coined the idea of Birth Control. The thing that I think motivated her the most was what happen with her mother. Her mother gave birth to 11 kids and had many miscarriages due to not having the right medicine to prevent Sangers mother from not having kids, and as a result to that was dying at an early age. As the narrator of BIOGRAPHY ON MARGARET SANGER states she was one of 11 children born into a Roman Catholic working-class Irish-American family. Her mother, Anne, had several miscarriages, and Margaret believed that all of these pregnancies took a toll on her mothers health and contributed to her early death (Margaret Sanger Biography 2018). In the video Margaret Sanger- Feminist mini bio the narrator said Margaret was born into a big Catholic family with 11 other siblings ( Margret was passionate about women having equal rights. Sanger was also passionate about women having the right to be able to do what they want with their body even if that means not having a child. This was important to Sanger after she became a nurse in New York and she saw all the young women that underwent back alley abortions and that may have even done it themselves just because there wasnt something to keep them from getting pregnant and there was no one to help them. The narrator in BIOGRAPHY ON MARGARET SANGER states Through her work, Sanger treated a number of women who had undergone back-alley abortions or tried to self-terminate their pregnancies. I think that Sangers first major encounter or a turning point with this was again when she became a nurse and she saw all the girls undergoing back alley abortions or self-terminating the pregnancy. I also think a major turning point for Margret was when she became a nurse because she saw a lot of things and a lot of cases where girls came in and didnt want the babies. The narrator of MARGARET SANGER BIO says After a brief teaching career, she practiced nursing on the lower east side of New York City, where she witnessed the relationship between poverty, uncontrollable fertility, high rate of infants and maternal mortality and deaths from illegal abortions. These observations made Sanger a feminist who believed in every womens rights to avoid unwanted pregnancies, and she devoted herself to removing the legal barriers to publicizing the facts about contraception (N/A 2018) the narrator of MARGARET SANGER BIO says in 1912 Sanger gave up nursing to devote herself to the cause of birth control and sex education (N/A 2018). And this quote just goes to show that the things that she says were so strong that they made her quit her job as a nurse to teach the importance of trying to be safe when having sex. Margaret had some obstacles in life she had a lot of struggles. I think the major struggle that she was was the Comstock law. The Comstock law was the law where you could not even talk about any contraceptives. Another struggle that I think Sanger had was she had this idea to create this pill to help some women from not becoming pregnant and a lot of people were against it especially men. Another struggle that she had was that she was a woman, an as a woman you could not do anything without consulting with you husband and back then women dont really have any rights. When Sanger ran into these struggle with the law and other things she always said: the best way to change the law is to break the law (Sanger N/A). with this, she also wrote about these things even when she was not supposed to. Sanger also leads protests to try to help the cause. In the video Margaret Sanger- Feminist mini bio the narrator said: Sanger started the womens rebel movement (N/A 2016). Margaret Sangers pathway for becoming an agent for change went in a lot of directions I think. I think that the first path she took for becoming an agent for change was challenging the law that all women need the right to do what they want with their body. She challenged them in the ways of protesting and talking about it even when she wasnt supposed to because she could go to prison Sanger also thought about it in ways that others didnt she thought of plans and ways to help the poor girls that underwent back alley abortions or did a self-termination. I think that another pathway anger took was the one challenging the law and making an illegal pill that could help women not have kids if they didnt want to. I also think that the main way was creating a clinic where she could safely help women abort the children if they didnt want to help them anymore. This clinic later turned into plan parenthood. In the article plan parenthood it says planned parenthood, in full planned parenthood F ederation of America, Inc, American organization that, since its founding in 1942 by Margaret Sanger ( N/A 2016). In the video, Margaret Sanger- Feminist mini bio the narrator says in 1960 the pill was created and in 1965 Sanger went to the supreme court to get it legalized (N/A 2016). What Margaret Sanger did is still affecting us today because she got the laws changed not can we only talk about contraceptives we also have the pill birth control. Sanger also helped us in creating a clinic that clinic is still up to this day and it is open to anyone the clinic is called planned parenthood. With doing this project on Sanger I have learned a lot. I have learned how things in the past can affect us so much and how you can change a law with one idea and with a reason why it is wrong. I have also learned how hard it is to change a law. Sanger has taught me how important it is to stand up for what we believe in even if others think it is wrong because it could affect later generations. In my point of view, I think Margaret Sanger was one of the most important women in history she set the pathway for women to have safe sex and not have to worry about getting pregnant if they werent ready. Sanger also helped women get the right to do what they want with their body.